Clinical Evidence of RehabSwift

Welcome! I am Dr. Sam Darvishi, the founder of RehabSwift. With a research journey that began in 2006, my colleagues and I have been dedicated to studying restorative brain-computer interfaces at prestigious institutions such as The University of Technology Sydney and The University of Adelaide in Australia, as well as The University of Tubingen in Germany. The culmination of our extensive research efforts led to the establishment of RehabSwift as a company in 2018.



The research endeavor involved conducting numerous clinical trials, each with its specific parameters and outcomes. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of these trials along with the corresponding publications and the clinical evidence derived  from them.

Clinical Evidence of Rehab



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How does our Brain Computer Interface technology work? During a stroke, damage is caused to the sensory-motor area of the brain, which limits movement of the stroke survivor’s affected side of the body.
RehabSwift‘s technology strengthens the neural pathways around this damaged area to take over the role of sensory-motor function, bringing awareness back to the body.
These pathways are strengthened using our sensory-motor feedback loop.

receiving real-time prompts from the software to extend the robotic fingers

extending the fingers of the user which are enmeshed with the robotic hand

using an EEG cap to record brain activity when the user imagines moving the hand

using this data as input into the software’s algorithm, compared with the user’s individual brain activity profile